YongKi Choi
plays on the RZ Capriccio

RZ - Capriccio
Graduated from the Chong-Shin University Seoul, Korea Received the künstleriesche Ausbildung and Soloist Diplom (Konzert Examen) with Prof. Jörg Widmann at the Staatl. Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg, Germany.
He got the Scholarship DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst).
Was Principal solo Clarinettist of Cairo Symphony Orchestra Currently, Principal solo Clarinettist of Chung-Nam Philhamonic Orchestra.
An adjunct professor at the Korea Baptist Theological University/Seminary.
And Instructor Chong-Shin University Seoul.
YongKi Choi plays on the RZ Capriccio.