Amandy Bandeira de Araújo
plays on the RZ/magoo Bohema hybrid

Amandy Bandeira is a Professor of Clarinet and Chamber Music at the Federal
University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). He holds a Doctor of Musical Arts in
Performance (Clarinet) from the University of Georgia (USA), a Master of Music
in Performance (Clarinet) from the University of South Carolina (USA), and a
Bachelor's degree in Clarinet from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). He
currently also manages the Reed Laboratory at UFRN.
Amandy began studying the clarinet at the age of 9, and by the age of 15, he
had already toured three different countries and various Brazilian cities as the
principal clarinetist of youth orchestras in Paraíba. His professional experience
includes teaching at the Anthenor Navarro School of Music in João Pessoa,
serving as the principal clarinetist of the Sergipe Symphony Orchestra and the
Chamber Orchestra of the City of João Pessoa. He has performed as a soloist
with the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Paraíba, the Chamber Orchestra of João
Pessoa, the Rio Grande do Norte Symphony Orchestra, the UFRN
Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Sergipe Symphony Orchestra.
As a chamber musician, Amandy was a member of the group Quarta
Dimensão, with which he recorded the CD "Músicos e Poetas" and participated
in the 15th and 18th University Music Festivals in Belfort, France. As a member
of the TEKOHA Quintet (formerly Sopros de PE), he participated in the 2019
and 2023 editions of ClarinetFest.
During his doctoral studies, Amandy received the "Director’s Excellence Award"
three times, an honor given to graduate students in recognition of their
academic dedication, musicality, commitment, and leadership. He served as the
artistic coordinator of the Potiguar Clarinet Orchestra, which participated in the
2017 and 2018 editions of ClarinetFest, and he also performed as a recitalist in
the 2018 edition. Amandy organized the 10th National Clarinetists Meeting and
the 2011, 2012, and 2013 editions of the UFRN Music Week Festival. He plays
on an RZ Magoo Hybrid clarinet.
Amandy currently plays on the RZ/magoo Bohema hybrid clarinet.